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Does yoga help shift the way we view the body, mind and soul?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Eating habits

Yesterday I had lunch with an old buddy (Mr.O) I had not seen for about 3 years. MR.O's expression was that of amazement when he saw me and the first thing he asked was: "Have you lost weight??"
In fact, I had lost weight since the last time he saw me. Mr.O continued with a: "I think you lost about 10 kilos, didn't you?"
I laughed because I only lost about 4 kilos. When I mentioned that to him, he said "No no, you must have lost more!"
So then I went onto explain that I was about 59 kilos when we used to work together and now I am 55. All throughout our lunch, Mr.O continued with his surprised and confused expression and perhaps thought I was slightly bending the truth.

The fact is, I have not lost that much weight and 4 kilos is about all I lost. But I do recall another friend saying that I had lot "so much weight" a few months back too. So I wondered if it is because I lost a lot of fat but built muscle. After all, muscles weigh more than fat.

Plus, as bizarre as it sounds, I don't eat as much junk anymore. It just doesn't interest me. When the yoga studio was closed for about two weeks and I didn't get my fix, I was starting to go back to my old eating habits. Chips at night, chocolate during the mid afternoon, fried stuff etc etc. But after attending yesterday's first yoga class for the year, I am slowly reverting back to the yoga eating habits. Not that I am doing this consciously. It is just something I notice because I'm very in tune with my body.

Anyway, in saying all this, I'm still craving some Bollinger champagne. I made a very successful trade with a rare earths company on the last week of the year and decided to celebrate my success (and to usher in the New Year) with a good bottle of Champagne. First time trying Bollinger and although I've had Veuve & Moet before, Bollinger was much better for the same price.

Hoping to end 2011 with a bottle of Dom!

Happy New Decade to everyone!

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