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Does yoga help shift the way we view the body, mind and soul?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

A wine lover's guide to balancing poses

After one too many glasses of vino, I struggled to compose myself during some balancing poses. Usually I zone out and stare into nothing or focus on a stain or spot on the wall to help with my balance.
This time, it was not to be!

My leg was shaking during a tree pose and I found myself gripping the mat with my toes. Apparently the toes should be relaxed and the anchor should come from the outer edge of the foot, strong thighs and super strong abs. The eagle pose and dancer's pose was no easier..

I suggest if anyone is trying to do yoga after a few big nights, don't! You may just hurt yourself... 

Damn you Vino!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A successful trade

All this calm energy gave me a bit more confidence and clarity for a trade I put through on Friday.

It was a very quick trade (RMD) with a buy order placed in mid morning and a sell order placed in the late afternoon. A tidy profit in a very short space of time. It was probably less than two hours of work in total.

Discipline is probably one of the most important aspects of a trader and yoga reduces the emotions that affect discipline.

Now, here's hoping it can be replicated again and again!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Surfing the waves

During meditation in today's class, a very intuitive yoga instructor said to us:
"Think of your thoughts as being like the wave. It's the mind's job to think so instead of trying to stop the wave, why not just surf them?"

No doubt it is very difficult to clear the mind completely when meditating because thoughts come and linger.

Instead of trying to fight them and stop them entering completely, it makes perfect sense to acknowledge them and let them go.

Monday, October 25, 2010

An early riser

I have been waking up at around 7am without too much struggle.

Before the regular yoga, the thought of getting up at 7am was my idea of torture. Although I never needed to be dragged out of bed by someone, I was sluggish getting out of bed and relied on caffeine boost to help me rid the mental daze.

Nowadays, I spring out of bed with a clear mind and the first cup of coffee is more like a treat than a need. But it could also be the fact that I am taking this semester off from studies so that could be the reason for the decrease in fatigue. Or that I've been taking multivitamin tablets every day for the past two weeks or so. In saying this, I felt energised before taking multiviamins.

Also, I hear doing Sun Salutations for about 15 minutes first thing in the morning helps to energize you and prep you for the day. I will start doing this and see if it makes any difference.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm taller!!

This will sound strange but I think it's true!

I think my arms are longer! And I've been told my legs are longer! I think overall I'm a little taller as well!! It would make sense that I'm taller since yoga helps straighten the posture...

But could the results show so quickly?!

In the end I guess it does not matter whether it is true or not. As long as I believe it to be true, it is true. Isn't it?

As one wise person said: "Your beliefs are your reality."

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Yoga is said to change a person's life by awakening their spirituality and bringing forth a sense of enlightenment.

So before I notice any drastic changes I should note down all of my desires and vice(?).

Below is my list:
  • A fast, sexy car (eg: Audi R8, Bugatti Veyron, Lamborghini Murcielago etc etc) - Tick!
  • A house overlooking the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House - Tick!
  • A jet for my jet-setting lifestyle - Tick!
  • Fame & power - Tick!
  • Ability to do all sorts of contortions and yoga poses, such as the Firefly and the Scorpion - Tick!
  • Travelling wherever I want whenever I want - Tick!
  • Lots of alcohol as part of a healthy diet - Tick!
  • Lots of bread, pasta, rice and other forms of carbohydrates - Tick!
  • Intolerance to stupid, superficial people - Tick!
  • Impatience - Tick!
I'll review these in the future to see if anything has changed.

The value of a chuckle

Joined a beginners class today just to review my alignment and refresh my memory on asanas (postures). It was good to see more guys in the class albeit being dragged by their girlfriends (a huge assumption here)!

During the Warrior I pose the instructor went around correcting everyone and one guy let out a huge "Waahhhh!!!!!" as the instructor pulled his front leg forward, intensifying the stretch. The whole class burst into laughter and I think we all felt a little better knowing that others were struggling just as much as ourselves in this challenging pose.

Sometimes in yoga, we focus so much that we forget to laugh at ourselves a little. But I guess the same could be said for our lives.... :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Yogic breathing in unsettling times

Just became a witness to a lady who was hit by a car in front of mine. Although she wasn't terribly hurt, she was shaken up quite badly. I got out of the car to assist her but found myself shaking just as much as her! Must have been a sight me asking her if she was ok when clearly I wasn't ok either!

I'm still shaking from it and finding it quite hard to think properly!

Must remember yogic breathing to calm myself down! The way to do this is breathing in slowly, filling the stomach and then the chest. When exhaling, the chest should deflate first followed by the stomach. The exhale should always be longer than the inhale.

Ok, feeling a little bit calmer now.

PS: The lady is OK and an ambulance was called just in case. Good to see there are still decent people out there willing to help those in need.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Clarity of mind

Part of what I do during the day is investing in shares and monitoring the prices of shares in the portfolio. I have no shortage of information through the media (internet, online business news, finance channels) and also have friends in the industry. So it's no understatement when I say I am information-overloaded.

This may have worked against me in the beginning because my mind was cluttered with info and hence my emotions rode high and low (much like a wave) depending on what info I was taking in.

So I was quite surprised when, a few days ago, I found myself very calm at a very nerve-racking situation. One of the portfolio's speculative stock was plummeting due to a massive sell-off. There was no news around it so it was unusual especially on an up-day in the markets.

Instead of my usual reaction of "OMG, what do I do? Help Help! What the hell is happening?", I took a breath, stepped back and structured my thoughts and my strategy. There was none of this heartbeat racing like crazy nor the cursing that usually happens to me during these times.

If I were to explain it in a visual sense, it was as though I'm planted right infront of a busy road in India wanting to cross the road. Instead of looking left and right constantly looking for a gap and trying to dodge traffic, I am completely calm, accepting the traffic as it is and just waiting until everything clears so I can cross the road. I am not impatient and nor do I get irritated at the situation I find myself in.

Whether this is the result of regular yoga remains to be seen. Yoga does emphasis the need for being at the present moment and clearing the mind. I'm told that, during meditation, if thoughts come to mind when one should be focussing on clearing it, they should just acknowledge those thoughts and then let it pass. No attachments, no frustrations, no emotions.

"It is what it is"

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Crow

After about 2 months of regular yoga, I can now hold the Crow pose for about 5 seconds! The Crow is where you squat, put both hands on the ground and lift both your bent legs off the ground.
Much harder to do than it sounds!

What's even better is that my body is so much more defined and stronger that I can't stop touching my new-found muscles! :p

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Willie Mason's yoga session

NRL player Willie Mason supposedly tried a bikram yoga session thinking it would be a piece of cake.

Few puddles of sweat later he said he drank 2 litres of water, 2 bottles of Powerade and slept like a baby that night! He reckons it was the most difficult thing he had ever done.

Will he be back!? Apparently Yes!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Body = Mind

Being a relatively physically fit and mentally positive person, I was a true believer in the power of the mind. I didn't take too kindly to being a prisoner to the body's needs and thought it perfectly fine to push myself physically with the mind. It was a: "Just a little more. Come on body, you can do it!" or a "I know I look sick but I'm not. My body will listen to my mind and do as it is told!"

Unfortunately (or fortunately..) one cannot do this at yoga. The poses can be very physically challenging and requires a hell of a lot of concentration. And one must not forget to breathe!

In yoga, the body determines what the limits are. Your mind just simply needs to accept it and respect the body for what it is and what it can do.