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Does yoga help shift the way we view the body, mind and soul?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sting & Yoga

Having seen some changes in myself, I became interested in celebrities who do yoga and why they do it and what benefits they have found in themselves.

Probably the most famous celebrity yogi that comes to mind is Madonna. But Madonna just seems too much of an egoist to be a real yogi so I decided to research Sting instead. I went to see him in concert some years back and remember being quite taken aback by his stage presence and his calm demeanour. Back then I just put it down to yoga and didn't think much of it because I wasn't keen on yoga anyway.

The story with Sting and yoga seems to go something like this:
1. Came to yoga late in his life at the age of 38 (around 1990)
2. Wish he had done it sooner but he thinks he wouldn't have been ready (I can relate! More in terms of mentally ready than physically ready)
3. Was physically fit all his life, running etc but was frustrated that as he aged, his performance in his physical activities worsened
4. Met a yoga master and asked for something that would be physically challenging
5. Was sceptical at first because he was looking for more challenging until his yoga master said he should give it a try (I can relate!)
6. After an ego-bruising session of moves he could not do, Sting realised he wanted to do more and learn more (I can relate!)
7. Got hooked and has been doing it on a daily basis (on average) since then (I can relate!)

One of the things that struck me was that although Sting was initially worried about the practice taking a chunk of him time (approx.2hrs per day), he said he actually had more energy to do more things during the day. And he was more composed in his thoughts.

I believe what he says about this is true because I feel it myself.

He goes on to describe how, unlike running or other physical activities, he gets better at yoga as he practices more. This is also true I think because it is all due to flexibility not wearing down your joints by running etc.

He also mentions that he is stiff in the gluteus which translates to a person being stubborn. This could be that whole ki thing I was talking about before. My yoga instructors tell me we store stress in our hips hence why it's important to release it through hip-opening exercises. And Sting says his goal is to move like fluid (and thus releasing the emotional aspects that stiffen people up in certain spots??).

Sting also talks a bit more about spirituality.

Full interview here:

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