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Does yoga help shift the way we view the body, mind and soul?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Yoga injuries

After pushing myself really hard the other day in class I slept until 10am today and woke up with a stiff neck. These things resulted in a migraine all day and even a cup of long black didn't help.

It's not unusual for me to get a stiff neck after a yoga class. I must be doing something wrong but I still haven't been able to pinpoint the cause of it. So I got to doing some research on common yoga injuries and how to prevent them.

Some of the most common injuries are:
1. Pulled hamstring
2. Neck and lower back injuries
3. Inflammation of a tendon

So what should you do to prevent yourself from injury?
1. Warm up (do some milder version of an asana before plunging into an advanced asana. eg: Warrior 1 before doing a Cobra)
2. Check alignment
3. Keep the weight evenly distributed among the four corners of the feet
4. Avoid hyper-extension (downward dog is a strong pose if you are not used to it. Retreat to child's pose if you feel it is getting too much)
5. Use props

Remember: you are not competing with anybody but yourself! Listen to your body before you start getting competitive with others!

Below is a good website I found on preventing injuries:
Preventing yoga injuries

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