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Does yoga help shift the way we view the body, mind and soul?

Monday, November 15, 2010

General Health

Today I got to talking with an older, big, burly male in the yoga class. He is a former rugby player who is now a remedial masseur.I met him a few weeks before and spoke with him for a bit. I'm not the type of person to get easily intimidated by someone but I found this guy to be a little bit. Perhaps because he was a lot older than myself and had a bit of a strong presence about him.

If I were to describe him, I'd say he is like a taller caucasian version of Diego Maradona less the jewellery that Maradona wears.

Anyway, I found out that he was not only a remedial masseur but a Reiki master. As I mentioned in the previous post about the mumbo-jumbo enlightenment business, I don't know how effective Reiki is but I know it is something to do with energy (universal) and its healing powers.

He was kind enough to take the time out to explain what Reiki is, his experiences in what it did for some people and why it's important to be "attuned" (whether it be through yoga or reiki or so on). He also talked about how everyone wants to have perfect health (working as a remedial masseur, I'm sure he comes across a lot of people who try to achieve this) but that they neglect their mental and emotional health. Although a person may be "physically healthy", if he/she is suffering mentally or emotionally, the stress will manifest itself physically. (I always did think stress is the number one reason for ill-health!)
He then said that when everything (mental, physical, emotional) is ok, then we should be focussing on our spiritual health.

I don't really know what spiritual health is but it made me think about our preconceived notions and percpetions we have of people we meet. I never thought of this man as a "spiritual healer" or someone who even remotely thinks of spiritual awareness. He just seems likes an English ex-football hooligan with a penchant for drinking, smoking and living the good life.

It's made me realise the importance of getting rid of these notions and being open to what is brought to us.

Now for that Reiki session with Mr.ex-football hooligan!

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